Blackpool Driveway & Patio Drainage Experts

Surface water drain Specialist
Here in Blackpool & Fylde we get some considerable rain fall, surface water drainage needs to be running and blockage free, removal of leaves from gullies and clearance from the traps, ditches and Dykes is a must to prevent flooding of properties and damp problems in Blackpool & Fylde homes.
Blocked Drain Blackpool carry out maintenance and cleaning of all surface water drainage systems and are experts in curing damp homes, businesses in Blackpool & surrounding locations.
Correct surface drainage outlets are a must for patios, garages, forecourts, driveways, roof outlets, downpipes and any hard standing areas that have the potential to direct water towards your property.
Surface water ingress into homes and businesses causes damp problems, rising damp and water under the floor space area, (Sub floor) if left this water can create smells, rising damp and even effect the integrity of the structure (i:e Your home or business) and cause timber decay / rot and even property subsidence issues.
Find out more about our solution to underfloor / sub-floor water problems Here.
Call in the surface water experts from Blocked Drain Blackpool for all your surface & rainwater drainage requirements.

Is Your Property Damp or Wet?
Blocked Drain Blackpool offer a FREE surface water drainage inspection on all Damp houses in Blackpool and all the Fylde Coast areas.
Contact Us below and we can arrange for our drain engineer to attend and carry out the inspection FREE OF CHARGE* (Terms & CONDITIONS APPLY)